

We combine
our accumulated policy expertise with our project management capacity to tailor innovative, value-creating solutions for our clients enabling to create value and to develop or strengthen their European collaboration networks.
The consulting model of Innovela is focused at setting up innovative solutions, taking part of the launch risk and generating value for clients.
We support
organisations across several European countries, to manage policy change and to develop capabilities in new policy areas accompanying the transformation of our clients and of their strategic orientations, reshaping in the process the services they offer.
Innovela services enhance the knowledge base of its clients while managing complexity and risk in policy change processes.

We foster
policy sustainability
and relevance for partnering organisations in a cost-effective way.
research & consulting
project management
What services we provide
Innovela provides research, consulting, project management and communications services covering the entire research cycle from developing an idea, planning and securing funding for its development, managing the research implementation phase, evaluating, promoting the prototype solution, and carrying it further all the way to a market mature product and/or service.
Policy - focused
We are strong in developing research and policy-focused grant proposals and in assuring funding for them. Each service offering has often a 2-3 years lifespan with most client contracts being succeeded by follow up projects establishing long-term relationships with our clients.
Original analysis
To support these functions, Innovela produces original and robust analysis; conducts surveys and focus groups to understand user needs and requirements; carries out thematic and sector studies; designs and deploys educational services and training actions - to mention a few.
check out
our Portfolio

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Who we recruit
Staff and collaborators of Innovela form an interdisciplinary and diverse team. We usually recruit the following profiles: Policy researchers-analysts, project managers, engagement communicators and operational collaborators.
When we recruit, we publish our vacancies in professional social networks and services but we welcome impromptu applications. We always follow through in our communications and we respond to every application to our published vacancies. Please send your resume at: job(at)
The recruitment process usually includes at least a couple of discussions with senior members of our team, a 2-hours written test comprising an essay drafting and some (simple) data manipulations (depending of course on the profile sought). We reckon it is a bit tedious but both sides get a clearer view on whether there is a good match for working together!